Keto Strawberry & Mint Jam

Strawberry jam is one jam which is my favourite, and I enjoy making even.So as it is very easy to prepare too, and no bad chemicals are there. So enjoy Guiltfree!!!

Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Serves: 12 tsp

Strawberries chopped 250g
Stevia sugarfree 1/2cup
Chia seed 1 tsp
Mint leaves fistful


  • In a pan add strawberries and let it cooks on medium flame
  • When water starts seeping out and stevia to it.
  • Then add the chia seeds.
  • Stir and cook and mash some portions and saute intermittently until it thickens, it will take about 10 mins.
  • Shut the stove and then add the mint leaves.
  • Let it cool and transfer the jam to an airtight container and refrigerate it.
  • Take it out and enjoy whenever you wish.

Recipe Note:
I use it on my bread, as a topping to my ice cream, or just add cream and enjoy it. 
The Mint flavour gives a unique taste to this jam
